ImageOptim is a tool designed for web publishers and developers to optimize images, reducing file sizes without sacrificing quality. By removing bloated metadata such as EXIF information, GPS location, and camera settings, ImageOptim not only saves disk space but also protects privacy by stripping out potentially sensitive information.
Using drag-and-drop functionality, ImageOptim runs multiple optimization tools automatically to ensure the smallest possible file size. It integrates well with macOS, allowing users to optimize files directly from Finder, as well as popular Mac applications like Sketch.
For even smaller file sizes, ImageOptim offers a lossy minification option, enabling aggressive compression that further reduces file sizes. It supports various image formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG, and even animated GIFs, making it versatile for different optimization needs.
ImageOptim is completely free and open-source, licensed under GPLv2 or later, and is highly regarded for its simplicity, speed, and effectiveness. It’s the go-to solution for anyone looking to optimize image performance on the web while keeping image quality intact.